Thursday, September 22, 2016

Article #1- Immigrants Aren't Taking American's Job's, New Study Finds.

                   Hello, everyone!! The most rising question for Americans nowadays :Do Immigrants take jobs from Americans and lower their wages by working for less?
             The answer,according to a report by the National Academics of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine was published in article Immigrates Aren't Taking American's Jobs,New Study Finds on September 21,2016 at New York Times written by Julia Preston. The report assembles research from 14 leading economists,demographers and other scholars,including some,like Marta Tienda of Princeton,who write favourably about the impacts of immigration. The Report also said that the long run economic growth in the United States would be considerably dimmed without the contribution of high-skilled immigrants.Also, Hillary Clinton,his democratic rival,takes an upbeat view,saying immigrants contribute the economy whether they are legally here or not,by providing labour for American employers and opening businesses that create jobs for Americans rather than taking them.
          The report also gave an answer for the other arisen question that: Do Immigrants burden government budgets? The answer was "more mixed" by Professor Blau. The report clearly answered the question and called immigration "integral to the nation's economic growth"because immigrants bring new ideas and add to an American labour force that would be shrinking without them,helping ensure continued growth into the future. The Article is really worth reading and clearly, answers the question about Immigrants taking American's jobs.

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